Welcome to EU CAP Network!
The Network is a forum through which National CAP Networks, organisations, administrations, researchers, entrepreneurs and practitioners can share knowledge and information (e.g. via peer-to-peer learning and good practices) about agriculture and rural policy.
The European Commission set up the EU CAP Network in line with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council to support CAP strategic plans (CSPs).
The Network supports the design and implementation of CAP strategic plans, innovation and knowledge exchange, including EIP-AGRI, and evaluation and monitoring of the CAP.
The Network brings together stakeholders from the European Network for Rural Development (including the Evaluation Helpdesk) and EIP-AGRIOpen link in new window, and welcomes new stakeholders.(i) Through networking, the EU CAP Network helps drive and steer all aspects of the implementation of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) by:
- involving people interested in agriculture, forestry and rural areas across the European Union;
- providing opportunities for European peer-to-peer networking and exchange;
- sharing information, including good practices and funding opportunities;
- improving skills;
- encouraging the exchange of knowledge;
- Supporting the uptake of innovations in agriculture; and
- Strengthening AKIS approaches.
The EU CAP Network welcomes anyone with an interest in and commitment to sustainable agriculture, forestry and rural development in Europe, including:
- National CAP Networks;
- farmers, foresters and rural enterprises;
- evaluators;
- CAP managing authorities and paying agencies;
- Local Action Groups (LAGs);
- European organisations;
- agricultural and forest advisory services;
- innovation support services.
More about Network read here (click here)
O bazi podataka projekta EIP-AGRI
Baza podataka projekata EIP-AGRI sadrži inovativne projekte iz cijele Europe koji potiču inovacije i razmjenu znanja za poljoprivredu, šumarstvo i ruralna područja.
Baza podataka projekata EIP-AGRI sadrži inovativne projekte iz cijele Europe koji potiču inovacije i razmjenu znanja za poljoprivredu, šumarstvo i ruralna područja. To uključuje EIP-AGRI operativne skupine, istraživačke i inovacijske projekte kao što su Horizon projekti s više aktera, uključujući tematske mreže i druge inovativne projekte – uspostavljene nakon 2014. EIP-AGRI baza podataka o projektima redovito će se ažurirati novim projektima koji se financiraju u okviru CAP-a za 2023.-2027. i Obzora Europe za 2021.-2027.